Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Long ago there was a movie called 'The Fog'.  An old black and white movie - a thriller.  At least for that time.  The fog would mysteriously drift in and somehow consume the towns folk.  I think that's how it went... so long ago that I saw it... maybe I'm in a fog of my own of sorts.

I find that happens a lot.   In me, and in others.   Foggy memory, foggy thinking.

I feel sometimes I live in a fog.

A fog that seems to devour me.  Steal me away.

In nature, a fog often lies in low lying areas first.   If the air is real dense and the temperatures just right and the moisture in the air is just so...fog can completely cover areas so that visability is almost zero.   Traffic comes to a halt or slow crawl.   People make funny references like 'fog is as thick as pea soup', 'fog so thick you can cut it with a knife', etc.

Even in the low lying area fog - the little fragments of frustration and junk that are there just to irritate us and keep us from seeing things clearly.   Sometimes it can even appear to be pretty as you gaze on it from a distance.   As it gains momentum or you get closer to it. .. you truly see the chaos that it contains.

It's hard to navigate through the fog... even if you are very familiar with the area.  You have to slow down... focus more intently... use greater caution.

I think that is how it is in life sometimes.   A fog slips in... before you know it, you might be turned around or not sure where you are.   Fear of running into things or what may come at you that you are straining to see.

Like the enemy doing a sneak attack.  Lose your job or someone you care for dies or a relationship that you thought was going so well... simply fails with no warning.

The enemy sure would like us to stay in a fog wouldn't he!  Well... I'm getting a little tired of that fog.  I'm praying for a nice gust of wind to blow that fog on out of these valleys I've been struggling in.   I'm seeking clear skies and warm rays from the sun to fall on these weary shoulders.

How do I make that happen?   CAN I make it happen?

Proverbs 3:6 says 'In all ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

In the big things and in the little things.   Acknowledge Him.  In the good things and in the bad things.   Acknowledge Him.  In the things you understand and in the things you can't understand.   Acknowledge Him.  In your meekness and in your boldness.  Acknowledge Him.  In your richness and in your poverty.   Acknowledge Him.   In your work and in your play.   Acknowledge Him.

The fog doesn't stay forever.   Just like the storms.  The season will change.   The Lord gives us direction in the Bible.  We need to read it!   The Lord gives us drive in our spirit... we need to listen.  God has the answers waiting for us, we need to ask.

The Word tells us to pray without ceasing.  What does that mean?  Praying with God is just like having a conversation with our friend.   It may take getting used to.  The more you do it - the easier it becomes.   Like a muscle memory that occurs when an athlete works and practices.  We get more at ease as we practice.  As we talk to the Lord more, we start to recognize His voice.   Even if the enemy comes to tell us something and tries to disguise his voice as our Lords...we will recognize the lie.

In Job 5:19 it says 'He shall deliver thee in six troubles; yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.

Life can throw us some serious curve balls!  No one I've ever known hasn't gone through something.   Most have been through a lot!  I know they say God won't give you more than you can handle.   My daughter says that God must think I'm a bad-ass then. .. cause I've been thru some stuff!  (sorry for the language)  Then there's the phrase... what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.  I never knew living through some of this stuff could make you stronger... feels like the opposite.  But, alas...I must stay strong.   God has a plan and I need to be ready to fulfill the plan He has for me.  As best as I can I will worship my way thru every moment that I can!

Yea, tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For tho art with me.   Thy rod and staff they comfort me.  Tho preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointed my head with oil.  My cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life.   And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

So my hope lies in Christ.  For He shall be my refuge.   Through every storm and even in the fog.

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